Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ижийтэйгээ байхад баян байсан.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Буурай эмээ /шүлэг/

Буурай эмээ
Насны хярд бээрэн
Нар дагаж гадаалсан
Намрын хяруунд чичрэн
Навч шиг гандан ганцаардсан
Буурай эмээ

Гал дээр цай богшоосон
Гар харж нүд хариулсан
Газар дээр бүхнийг хайрласан
Ганцхан өөрт нь хайр дутсан
Буурай эмээ

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How To Learn English Very Fast [advice from sharedtalk's friend]

How do you learn English very fast?

it's an interesting question. Is it possible to learn English very very fast?
Is it possible to make massive improvements in only 2-3 months?

The answer is yes.

But of course, to make massive improvements requires massive intensity and effort.

So, how can you do it? How can you improve super-fast? What do I recommend for this kind of goal?
1. Obsession

The first and most important thing you need to achieve this goal is incredible passion. You must have tremendous emotional power to learn super-fast. Why? Because you must study English 8-14 hours a day… and every hour you must be alert, interested, and energetic.

To improve that quickly, you must build emotion. You must be obsessed with English. You must be passionate and incredibly enthusiastic. Remember, Emotion is 80% of success, method is only 20%.

To create passion, you need very compelling reasons to learn English. Just doing well on a test is not a strong enough reason. Just getting a new job is not a strong enough reason. You need HUGE reasons for doing this. Imagine all the incredible benefits you will have as a fluent English speaker. Imagine how your life will change 5 years from now. 10 years from now. 20 years from now.

If you are motivated by money, imagine how English will make you amazingly rich. Visualize your dream house, your dream car, your dream life.

If love motivates you, imagine how English will help you meet incredible people from other countries. Imagine dating beautiful/handsome foreigners! Imagine incredible love and passion– possible because you are a fluent English speaker.

You can also exaggerate the terrible things that will happen if you fail to speak English fluently. Imagine all the jobs you will miss. Imagine all the people you will never meet. Imagine how bad your life will be because you can’t speak English.

Make your reasons bigger! Bigger reasons = Bigger Passion. Bigger Passion = Bigger Success.

Emotions is the key. Make your emotion stronger! Become obsessed with English!
2. Massive Input

The second key to super-fast learning and incredible intensity is to focus on English INPUT. Do not waste time studying grammar or vocabulary. Don’t waste time trying to speak.

You should spend all of your time either listening or reading. This is the fastest and most efficient method for speaking English fluently.

Carry your iPod everywhere. Always have a book with you.

Specifically, you should listen mostly to the Mini-Story Lessons, the Point of View Lessons, and the Main Audio Articles. These are the most powerful lessons and will help you learn the fastest.

You should read easy English novels– starting with novels for children. Absolutely do not waste time reading textbooks!
3. Massive Intensity

To be fluent in only 2-3 months, you must create massive intensity. In other words, you have to listen and read 8-14 hours a day, every day. You must listen constantly to English. You must read constantly.

In fact, I recommend alternating the two activities. Listen for an hour, then read a novel for an hour. Then listen again for an hour. Then another hour of novel reading.

If you are really focused on speaking well, do more listening. But don’t worry, reading will also help your speaking ability.

So that’s it. That’s my simple method for very fast English fluency.

Of course, most people do not need to improve so quickly. For most people, two hours a day of listening and reading is enough.

But if you need or want to improve very quickly, follow this plan.

Good luck!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Зарим Дуртай Үгс

Хамгийн том ялалт бол өөрийгөө ялах юм.

Бусадтай хуваалцаж байгаа болгон чинь өсөн үржиж
Бусдаас нууж байгаа бүхэн чинь хорогдсоор байх болно.

Бурхан минь надад би өөрчилж чадахгүй тэр зүйлийг олж авах амар амгаланг, би өөрчилж чадах тэр зүйлийг өөрчлөх эр зоригийг, тэр хоёрыг өөр хооронд ялгах мэргэн ухааныг бэлэглээч.

Амьдрах урлаг

Амьдрал бол жүжиг. Түүнд гол дүр бүтээх үү? эсвэл туслах дүр бүтээх үү? Эерэг дүр бүтээх үү, эсрэг дүрд тоглох уу? Дүрээ сайн бүтээх үү, муу бүтээх үү?

Бүгд танаас л шалтгаалах болно.

Та тохирох дүрээ олсон уу, хайсаар л явна уу?


Та зүрхэн дээрээ гараа тавь таныг амьдруулах гэж ямар шаргуу ажиллаж байгааг мэдэрч байна уу? Та ч ийм шаргуу байхгүй бол та зүгээр амьд мах болон хувирах болно. Таны зүрх бүхэл бүтэн 60, 70, 80 жилийн турш зосголтгүйгээр дэмий цохилсон хэрэг болно шүү дээ.

Эцсийн зогсоол

   Эцсийн зогсоол дээрээс би
Энхрий хайрыг олж харна
Энэрэл халамжийг олж харна
Энэрэнгүй нигүүлсэлийг олж харна
Эцсийн үнэнийг олж харна
Эхний зогсоолыг олж харна
Ээжийгээ олж харна